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The English Learner Department at KLA is dedicated to serving the needs of our English Learners. Approximately 50% of KLA's population are designated as English Learners (EL). The department ensures the success of all learners by providing professional development for teachers based on current research in designated and integrated English language development, the California Curriculum Frameworks, and the ELD standards. Click on the Universal Design for Learning Strategy link on the side of the page to see some of our current work.
The English Learner Department also acts as a liaison to the parent group ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee). The meeting dates are available on the 'Calendar' link and the meeting minutes via the 'Meeting Minutes' link located on the sidebar of this screen. 
All EL testing, accountability, data collection, and funding documents are a responsibility of this department. Please contact Christy Robbins for more information.