Dress Code


Research supports a strong correlation between school uniforms and an increase in student achievement and safe environment. Therefore, KLA is a strictly enforced uniform policy school.  All students are required to wear the school uniform to school everyday. The following list details the uniform for our new and improved school.  All pieces of clothing can be purchased at Mario’s Clothing Store.

Uniform infraction = lunch detention

Polo shirt – burgundy, navy blue, white or black
No hats or hoods of any kind are allowed on campus.  Bandanas, scarves, and hair rags may not be worn at school.

Hair accessories - must be same as uniform colors and solid in color (white, navy, burgundy, khaki, black)

No logos, writing, nor graffiti on shirts, pants, shoes, backpacks (with the exception of KLA logo)

No stickers, temporary tattoos, nor writing is allowed on body parts or clothing

Khaki pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts - *Exception: “Jeans Day” for students that qualify

KLA jacket, sweater, sweatshirt must be same as uniform colors and solid in color (white, navy, burgundy, khaki, black)

Solid Black shoes with solid black laces

Solid white socks - low cut

Plain black belt w/ solid buckle
Solid color backpack - blue or black ONLY (free of logos, writing, or graffiti)

Jewelry - 1/4 inch-studded earrings ONLY
     (no bracelets, watches, rings, body piercings, nor necklaces allowed)