8/28 How do KLA leaders get acquainted with the KLA Way?

 Quick Questions:

1) What does the, "KLA Way" mean to you?

2) What are all of the things that are needed to make KLA a safe learning environment?

3) What do you know about REACH?

**Turn & talk w/ a partner about your responses to your quick questions.


Warm Up:

**Teacher states the purpose of REACH class - brief overview of what to expect.  

-Read Weekly Bulletin- go over the different parts of the weekly bulletin- explain why each part connects to the KLA Way


Leadership Studies:


1) Read the Schoolwide rules

2) Jigsaw & gallery walk each rule using paraphrasing and an illustration

** Explain jigsaw process

**Explain gallery walk process

CLOSING: Which of these rules will help you feel safe and why?

- Have each student sign the rules and take the agreement home for a parent signature.


Return parent signature for school wide rules.