8/29 How do KLA leaders understand the importance of the KLA Way?

Quick Questions:

1) What did you learn yesterday about the KLA Way?

2) What do you know about the KLA mission statement?


Warm Up:

Review the KLA Schoolwide Rules

Do a sort activity- Match each rule (cut out strips) with one of the following: "Respect the staff"; "Respect the students"; "Respect the Environment"

Discuss/debrief how each rule represents the first REACH value- "Respect"

Leadership Studies:


1) Chart shared responses - What is the purpose of a mission statement?

2) What do we already know about the KLA mission statement?

3) Read mission statement 


Working in pairs,chunk the mission statement into three parts:

1) create student leaders

2) value education

3) embrace their role

Have students chart what each chunk looks and sounds like

Pairs practice reciting the mission statement.



Remind students to turn in parent signature school wide rules agreement.