Lesson Plan 4/8-4/19

: Friday, April 19

Mon 4/8 Expository Unit . Practice Commas, Colons, and Semicolons. Mimic and Illustrate Death of Ramses. Preview Hathsupset's Expedition to Punt. Begin Notes on Cause and Effect.. HW: Summarize 1st Cause and Effect Article in 1/2 page.

Tue 4/9 Expository: Capitalization - Tape into Book. Capitalization game. Annotate Hathepsuts Expedition to Punt. Annotate and graphic organizer for 1st article w/quiz. HW: Orange Lit Book Read pages 254-257. Answer 1-6 page 256.

Wed 4/10 Spelling Game Practice(Homonyms) Finish Annotating Hatshepsut's Expedition. Students Annotate and Complete Graphic Organizer w/ Quiz(On own). Summarize 2nd Article in 1/2 page.

Thu 4/11 Spelling Game Practice. Response to Hathepsut's Expedition. Review Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer and quiz questions. HW: Read pages 132 - 135 in Ancient World. Write about the effect that the Nile River had on the people of Egypt in a 1/2 page.

Fri 4/12 Quiz on Cause and Effect. Grade Quizzes. Mimic and Illustrate Hathepsuts. HW: XXXs

Mon 4/15 Writing Stragegies Preview and Predict Haiku. Notes on Sequence. ZStudents will practice own sequence. HW: Ancient World - Skim through pages 166-190. Find 10 dates and put them in order from earliest to most recent. Write down what happened next to each date.

Tue 4/16 Writing Strategies - Practice Organization and Focus. Annotate Haiku First Sequence Article Annotate and Graphic Organizer. HW: Write a summary of first article.

Wed 4/17 Writing Strategies Precise Language. Response to Haiku. Students do graphic organizer and annotations on own. HW: Summarize 2nd article.

Thu: Practice Precise Language. Mimic and Illustrate Haiku. Timeline. Use pages 189-207 in World History Text book. Pick 10 dates, put the dates in order along with a caption that explains what happened on that date. Draw a picture for each event in colored pencils.

Fri: Finish Timeline. Quiz on Sequence.
Last Modified: Thursday, March 21 9:33 AM