Lesson Plan for Week of 10/8-10/12

Monday 10/8 Application Preview, Reality TV graphic organizer, HW: WW 2B

Tue: 10/9 Sub Lesson - Restoring the Circle. HW: Wordly Wise 2C

Wed: 10/10 Annotate Application, TV Turn Off Week with Graphic Organizer. HW: Wordly Wise 2D and Book CLub Questions.

Thu 10/11 Mimic Application. Rewrite best Mimic on white paper with an illustration. Grade text of the week notebook. HW Open House, Wordly Wise 3 - Word, definition, synonym, picture(First 8 words)

Fri 10/12 Playwrights -

Mon 10/15 Book CLub Meeting, Text of the Week Hist Whist- Preview Bullies are everyone's problem. HW Wordly Wise Lesson 3 - Last 7 words with the word, definition, synonym, picture.