Lesson Plan Week of 10/15-10/19

Paragraph 1:Summary
Summarize the poem in 3-5 sentences. What was the author trying to say?
Paragraph 2:
What is the structure of the poem(lines, stanzas).
Was there rhyming? Give an example.
Was there alliteration? If so give an example.
Was there repetition? If so, give an example.
Give an example of a nonsense word that you made meaning out of.
Are there any metaphors? If you found one, give an example.

Paragraph 3
Opinion and editorial
Explain why you think the author wrote this.
Did you like or dislike this text and why?
How did the text make you feel? Explain.

Wed 10/17 Respose to Hist Whist. Preview Bullies are Everyone's Problem. Read and annotate.HW Wordly Wise Lesson 3 - Last 7 words with the word, definition, synonym, picture.

Thu 10/18 Mimic and Illustrate Hist WHist.