Hello Keiller Leadership Academy parents and students! My name is Paul Amorillo, I am excited for new students and challenges this year at KLA! For the 2013-14 school year I will be teaching Physical Education for 7th grade as well as a 6th grade section.This is my 7th year teaching here at KLA and I am excited to meet the new KLA students and see old faces. I am originally from New York and moved to San Diego in 2006. I graduated from Hoftstra University in 2001 with a Bachelors in Finance and received a Masters in Physical Education.
I practice what I preach! I would never ask you to do push ups or other exercises if I did not do them myself. When I am not at KLA I enjoy surfing, working out, soccer, yoga and staying active. I also enjoy listening to music or reading on my down time. I hope you learned a little bit about me, I look foward to learning about your hobbies and interests!